

$ 8.00$ 57.80

SKU: E19 Category:

Product Description

  1. Botanical name: Anethum graveolens, Peucedanum graveolens
  2. Family: Apiaceae 
  3. Origin: India, Egypt 
  4. Characteristics: Steam distillation from seeds, pale yellowish with a light, fresh aroma similar to the scent of liquorice
  5. Blends well with: Blend well with other spices, such as Caraway, Pppermint, Elemi
  6. Common Uses:

    • Dills used as a digestive aid. It helps alleviate indigestion, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence. It used to soothe the intestines, relieve flatulence 
    • Dills used for both culinary and medicinal purposes
    • Dills promote mile flow for nursing mom
    • Dills to stimulate, balance,  calm, relax, promote restful sleep
  7. Precautions: 
    (a) Avoid use during pregnancy
    (b) It may causes skin sensitivity in some individual 

Additional Information


10ml, 50ml, 100ml