
Price: from $15.50


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  1. Botanical name: Pimpinella anisum
  2. Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
  3. Origin: Native to Greece and Egypt, now widely cultivated in Spain
  4. Characteristics: Spicy-sweet scent similar to fennel
  5. Common Uses:
    – Well known for its effect on the digestive system. It relieves dyspepsia, colic and flatulence.

    – It’s recommended for nauseous migraines, palpitations of the heart and any breathing difficulty, which is due to bronchial spasms.
    – Aniseed, the warm spicy scent, has a comforting effect to the mind. It is good for introverted, melancholic or fearful people who tend to be withdrawn or frigid.
    – It clears the head and strengthens the nerves, such as: nervous headaches, anxiety, stress, insomnia and general exhaustion.
  6. Precautions:
  • It is advised to avoid in allergic and inflammatory skin conditions
  • It is advised to avoid the use of aniseed oil during breast feeding and pregnancy and anyone with endometriosis or estrogen related cancers
